tru-g-crown-me-reviewTRU-G’s “Crown Me” is a record that belongs on the frontline of Atlanta’s scene. From the start “Suppose To Be Real” brings the controlled chaos to the forfront. It’s a bit aggressive but at the same time has catchiness to it. Lucky for you, there’s bonus tracks a plenty throughout “Crown Me.” The heavy “I’m A Savage,” and a couple that offer up some serious swag – “Let My Hairr Swang” and “Swaggtastic” featuring B.Jayy. Along with B, you have other guests like J. Frank on “Liquor In My System” and Lil Boxx helping out on “Dirty Ass Dude.” The record plays like one from the dirty south because it has that grit to it and ironically makes it shine. If you like that style when it comes to your hip hop, check out TRU-G ASAP. (

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