Vinmac is a hip hop artist from Virginia who’ll surprise you. “U Don’t Want My Kind” starts out with a very familiar sound from everyone’s childhood; Super Nintendo sounds. They can be heard throughout and help put a light spin on the lyrics being delivered; lyrics that can be a bit much at times. The violence heard throughout wouldn’t be appropriate for younger ears. “Lil Fox Diss” isn’t about what he says, it’s this attitude driven song that name drops sports greats while giving you a fresh beat to bob your head to. Vinmac gets really serious with “Hardest Times” as he tells the story of a young girl who was dealt a bad hang in life. The same goes with “Mommy Y U Leave Me.” It’s not about a mom leaving her kids because she wanted to and it’s quite sad. I wouldn’t have guessed the guy who boasted the violence could pull off such a heartfelt song, but he does. If you like hip hop that’s not one tone, and can give you those songs to have fun with but also the ones that show the human side of the artist, check out Vinmac. (