Orthodox Prime: “Gen 50: 20”

Orthodox Prime ReviewOrthodox Prime comes at you intertwining the world of the Lord and traditional hip hop with “Gen 50: 20” featuring Pastor Michael D. Green. You aren’t sure what you’re getting yourself into when you hit play and the sermon from Green comes out strong and powerful. Then that is quickly followed by Prime’s rhymes that are just as telling as the words that came at the start. It’s a truly powerful musical experience and for those who like their hip hop with a since of higher power, but still with that true blue hip hop feel. If that sounds like what you’re into, check out Orthodox Prime’s “Gen 50: 20.” now. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kldSUj1lqf8&list=UUDjGqsta_yVB4BRd8jFJaHg)

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