Granzlee Banks’ rhymes take their time but come hard. “Turn Up” sure is a catch one. The hook is simple and only two words so you can get that down pact really quick. With “Enough” doesn’t overdo it, but remains on top of things with the beat. One of the best and most entertaining from Granzlee Banks comes with “Do or Die.” Fans with definitely be repeating that “Hugh Hef” line weeks after listening. You actually get something a bit harder with “Blow Sum.” It was the first time he crossed over into that gangster rap sound. Rounding things out, “In Chiraq” gives you a word you may not know off the top of your head, but that’s not as important as the music. It’s a little explicit but slowly enters your mindset and settles in. If you like hip hop that has a very easygoing feel but has street appeal, check out Granzlee Banks ASAP. (