When it comes to a great label, you have to have a lot going on for people to be interested and to make a name for yourself. That’s the mission Zobe Records completes. Artists like Kenn Retro holds it down with his Chris Brown like ways in “Holding It Down” and the more hip hop “Do My Thing.” Then they also have the rapid fire Staccato who really doesn’t mess around when it comes to rhymes. He’s like a speed racer and someone who can’t be caught on the mic. Don’t be mistaken though, it’s not a boys’ club at Zobe. They have some great female artists on the roster like Kayisha and Liana who’s single “Sometimes I” is a sweet mixture of pop and R&B. If you’re a fan of well made music, check out what Zobe Records is putting out in the music sphere today. (https://www.zoberecords.com/)