Demitri Vokals Shows Off For LA

Demitri Vokals calls the Los Angeles, California home and you can hear the west coast influence in his music. “Over” has the confidence that comes with many who hail from Hollywood. Vokals appears young, so it’s a little surprising how well he comes across and how clear and crisp the song comes through; great production. A song that has a title like “Hashtag” can only last as long as the trend, so we might only know this one’s relevance for another couple years. He becomes like a male Lil Mama as he tells you to “Do The Headbob.” Its sounds like a fun dance; only wish there was a visual. Then Vokals presents the world with a girl that maybe we don’t want to mess with when it comes to the female he’s singing about in “She Bad.” Demitri Vokals is a professional MC with the skills to pay the bills. Check him out if you don’t believe me. (

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