AV Super Sunshine drops Time Bomb

AV Super Sunshine drops Time Bomb

URL: https://www.avsupersunshine.com/

AV Super Sunshine has built one of the strongest reputations in the EDM style as a performer and composer unwilling to limit himself. The Wisconsin based AV’s renown is rightly derived from his talent merging pure electronica with an undeniable rock spirit in a seamless way. There’s nothing jarring about the club or radio mix for AV’s latest single “Time Bomb”. The former is, naturally, longer than the latter, but we never get any sense of self indulgence from either of these performances. Instead, remix master Michael Bradford, a DJ renowned for his aforementioned talent as well as a producer, has reshaped AV’s creative vision in unexpected ways while still preserving the artistic center at the heart of the AV Super Sunshine experience.

CLUB MIX: https://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/29911618

RADIO DJ MIX: https://soundcloud.com/av-super-sunshine/time-bomb-radio-dj-mix

The club remix of “Time Bomb” is a formidable experience. There’s no question this is a predominantly electronic fueled experience with various keyboards, sequencers, and synthesizers riff and flash across listener’s consciousness with a certainty shared by few other songs. Many older listeners may associate the aforementioned instruments with a mechanical, sterile sound, but technology has progressed a great deal since the halcyon days of the mid 1980’s when many of these electronic instruments first took hold of the public consciousness, but AV and longtime collaborators like Michael Bradford frame “Time Bomb” in vivid, heated musical terms and blend traditional instruments into the mix. The guitar is chief among these and it leaps out from the club mix with every bit of the same furious color we hear from other facets of the performance.

There’s surprising amount of melody, as well, in the club mix, but it comes in flashes. Nevertheless, it is a brief tantalizing “look” into the extent of AV’s gifts. His vocals seize upon some of that quality as well without ever attempting to overshadow the musical elements of the “Time Bomb” club mix. The radio mix begins with the same focus on synths, but there’s a less audacious air surrounding this and, instead, a leaner focus fixated on the vocals and a more spartan arrangement. Instruments like piano and backing vocalists are more defined in this mix as well. Where the club mix is romping and emphasizes the song’s rhythmic propulsion, the radio mix stresses the vocal and melodic aspects of the song in a pointed fashion.

AV’s vocals emerge from the radio DJ mix with every bit of the confidence we hear in the club mix, but there’s a more traditional authoritative stance to his radio mix performance. AV Super Sunshine’s “Time Bomb” is a powerhouse and thoroughly modern work capable of using traditional elements to further develop its ideas and enhance its overall punch. AV has put together a first class, extensive catalog in the course of only a few years and this song, among others, shows an artist yet to reach his peak. Instead, AV Super Sunshine is just getting started.

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/AVSuperSun/

Troy Johnson

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