It’s not every day that you hear the types of subjects Wisdom puts to song but he takes them and brings a courageous take on music and spoken word. “Molestation” is pretty to the point and doesn’t sugarcoat anything for one second. It’s a tough one to get through as there’s no symbolism – just the basic, clear cut facts of what happened to a young boy. That was more a song, while “Single Mother” has more of that spoken word vibe that Wisdom does from time to time and just as well. A wonderful drum intro welcomes us to the powerful world of “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.” Lastly, “Son” really pulls at anyone and everyone’s heart strings with its honesty. Losing a loved one is never easy but to hear a father speak about it – that’s rough. If you’re a fan of passion and reality, then please – by all means, do yourself a favor and check out Wisdom’s music and spoken word today. (