take hiphop back for us

Marlborough, MASSACHUSETTS — Real name MARKSAINT DAVILAS or M-1PRODUCTIONz AKA MR.MARDICHAI or just M-1 (humbled ) has been grinding sincerely out here making sure to do good to everyone in this life, and now it’s time to just make the kind of music that makes everyone want to do better. No preaching just teaching. Getting the vibes back up is all that needs to happen. It will remove the negative intention that’s that shit that hunts everyone surly and can be better than killing on every track. Lets grow in glow. Changing back to our frequency.

let’s just say FUCK EM and get back to the real hip hop. Gotta do better than killing on every track.

He dont lie cheats or steal.

M-1PRODUCTIONz is hard as hell.

If you haven’t had the chance to really listen to them you should check them out. it different from real beats lyrics in all

2 0 is his breakout album jamming. This is the beginning of an empire all from one man beware.

Don’t have this part set up yet but in time he will.




MARK SAINT DAVILAS AKA M-1PRODUCTIONz the beats the lyrics are his, the time spent to make each track is all by him and his friends who had to time to join him is something out of a movie, He can’t thank these dudes enough. He can’t say how many days he spent in the workshop working on his sound, at his brother in law Steven Catnott auto body shop. He did it where ever he could, as he just couldn’t afford to pay for a large studio so he made one. Every time he get paid he bought a piece of the studio, He piece it together until it was done then he record. M1PRODUCTIONz is more than a name it is his birthright to hold the staff in his hand.


Email: [email protected]
Phone: 7744799512


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/M1productionzbeatzincredable
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davilmark
Twitter: https://twitter.com/markdavilas452
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCftk_NiRG0fE4U01bZ-nqJQ
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2lG1KStfe7qdx7IyK0yIWu?si=irilF_KEQpyswvQDnFn_tw
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/m1productionz
Reverbnation: https://www.reverbnation.com/m1production4?profile_view_source=header_icon_nav


Source: ArtistPR

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