Ossy Oneal – Taylor Swift’s Stairway

Ossy Oneal – Taylor Swift’s Stairway 

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Ossy-Oneal-Music-195882037089229/ 

The unique talents Ossy Oneal brings to his music, namely a willingness to explore a variety of styles and the skills to back it up, make him a true standout in a crowded musical world. It is heartening that Ossy, at merely twenty years old, has the all encompassing talent to bring a variety of musical styles under his control and manipulate them to maximum entertainment effect thanks to his innate understanding of what he and his potential audience wants to hear. His identity comes through quite clearly in everything he does and the latest single from this young performer, “Taylor Swift’s Stairway”, is no exception. Oneal creates according to his own rules and writes about whatever he likes – his love and admiration for Taylor Swift, not just as a performer but as a person, comes through in every minute of this performance. He shows a sure hand for navigating his way through the song to the best possible effect, obviously the result of an artist who began singing at age six, and the final product will appeal to a wide cross section of the music buying public.  

He begins things in a big way by proposing marriage to Swift before the song’s even hit the thirty second mark. It soon settles into an electronically driven groove, but the customary knocks about electronic instrumentation being plagued with a cold sterility that organic instrumentation avoids do not apply on this song. Instead, there’s warmth to be felt from the start, and the center of the song’s humanity naturally emanates from Oneal’s voice. He has a classic soul and R&B vocal while demonstrating the sort of wise decision making as a singer we often associate with veteran performers in this style. Beginning to sing at six years old has obviously paid off handsomely for Oneal and he tackles this material with unwavering confidence and a clear vision about how to best convey the song’s sentiments.  

The lyrical content blends some customary clichés common to the love song genre with flashes of individuality that could only come from Ossy Oneal’s pen. Some of the specificity that helps send the song over the top is concisely conveyed by its title and Oneal’s singing makes the experience even more real than it might otherwise sound. Oneal knows how to apply just the right amount of pressure to the lyric and vocal melody to enhance its dramatic effects and listeners are fortunate that pressure fits the musical setting so well. “Taylor Swift’s Stairway” is the next logical artistic step forward for Ossy Oneal and shows a talent that grows exponentially with each new project and release. The subject matter of the song might lead the more jaded among us to deem this a song not worthy of serious consideration, but that’s a mistake. “Taylor Swift’s Stairway” is the product of a distinct talent and will undoubtedly win Oneal many new converts. 

SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/ossyoneal 

Shannon Cowden

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