DawgGoneDavis is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
REVERBNATION: https://www.reverbnation.com/dawggonedavis
Rebecca Rogers Davis works as an IT project manager during the day, but her life away from the 4o hour a week grind finds her taking on a very different identity. She expresses her lifelong love for music and composing under the persona of DawgGoneDavis. DawgGoneDavis has a playful take on hip hop tradition that aligns her, in some respects, with Weird Al Yankovich’s song parodies. Despite the light hearted nature of her songwriting, Davis is a deceptively astute songsmith who intuitively understands how to craft a catchy hook that lingers with listeners long after the song ends. Her latest release are a pair of singles entitled “Forever Music” and “Butt on Foya”, two songs building on the success of DawgGoneDavis’ first single “Middle Age Woman – Hip Hop Style” while solidifying her position as one of the best parodists on the indie songwriting scene today.
The first of the two singles, “Forever Music”, definitely doesn’t tread on typical hip hop subject matter, but her riffing on the falling fortunes of musicians has plenty of humor and a surprising amount of bite. Listeners who heard her first single “Middle Age Woman – Hip Hop Style” and dismiss her as a novelty act will have their assumptions challenged with this single. It doesn’t run on too long, thankfully, and her mixture of lyrical intelligence, theatrical delivery, and an arrangement incorporating a number of strong instrumental elements makes this a somewhat surprising track. Some of her “punch lines” in the song are particularly funny and listeners are well advised to give this track three or four plays to catch everything she’s written.
Piano, strong percussion, and inventive keyboards make up the bulk of the song’s musical arsenal. The keyboard and piano work is particularly excellent and give this track a much clearer musical identity than what listeners encountered with Davis’ first single. The crowning touch, however, is the presence of brass in the track and the often jarring melancholy it provides as a counterpoint to Davis’ vocal delivery.
She’s not a hip hop vocalist, but that doesn’t interfere with enjoying “Forever Music” or the second single “Butt on Fiya”. This song is much more in the vein of her first single, without ever imitating it, and shares the same increased focus on production excellence we heard with “Forever Music”. DawgGoneDavis has definitely progressed in regards to technique, but “Butt on Fiya” conclusively shows she’s still having a great deal of fun and her sense of humor gets an even bigger workout here than we heard with the earlier song. Both tracks are focused efforts and never smack of self indulgence; it’s a likely result of the same progression mentioned earlier and makes tremendous strides for her to enjoy wider exposure than before. Rebecca Rogers Davis has all kinds of fun playing DawgGoneDavis and we can expect to hear more from her in the near future.
GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/DawgGoneDavis?id=Av53l2ky7q4bmsdteuxwh76c5wi&hl=en
Troy Johnson