Winston Paddy Adds Unique Flair To Reggae


New Single Takes Listeners Away To Another Place

Scarborough, Ontario – October 2, 2020 – Reggae artist Winston Paddy is bringing the music of the Caribbean into playlists around the world. “Bye Bye” is catchy, but has an emotional depth listeners will appreciate.

“Bye Bye” is skillfully written and sung by Winston Paddy and the lyrics reflect the open heart that Winston presents in his music. His compelling vocals bring a new level to the song that is indescribable to listeners. “Bye Bye” is promising to be a chart-topper with its reggae beats and Winston’s immense singing talent fans are talking about. The single is available worldwide on streaming platforms.

Winston Paddy has been making music for over 35 years and has performed with many famous stars over years such as Shaba Ranks, Dennis Brown, Ken Booth. Daddy Roy, Wayne Wonder, and Ritchie Stevens. Winston is famous for his falsetto, which music fans can enjoy in his work.

To listen to more of his music, or for interested parties to reach out to Winston Paddy for an interview on their site, podcast, or radio show, can make contact via the information provided below.

For more music by Winston Paddy, please visit:

Winston Paddy
[email protected]

Instagram: http://instagram/the_mannn
ouncloud: http://soundcloud/winston-paddy

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