SKKYYY Drops New Single Ahead Of Fall Debut 

“Can I Get With You” Available Now 


Scottsdale, Arizona – June 30, 2020 – When SKKYYY decided it was time to get to work on her debut there was one thing she wanted to accomplish, and that was to deliver more soulful funk to the masses. She is one step closer to that with the release of her debut single, “Can I Get With You,” available now, and she’ll deliver even more with the release of her first album come November 2020. 

“Can I Get With You” sits on an R&B base while overflowing with hints of funk and pop. A song fitting for playlists already filled with the likes of Toni Braxton and Alicia Keys, “Can I Get With You” is a wonderful track that invigorates at the press of play. It is just a taste of what is to come from SKKYYY as she plans on delivering her debut album to the world later this fall. 

Born and raised in Mississippi, SKKYYY bounced back and forth between the south and the west before settling down in Arizona. Before taking the next step in her music career, SKKYYY found her footing as a successful author. She decided that after reaching the top as a writer, that it was time to return to her first love; music. Years ago she spent time in the studio with the likes of P. Diddy and Usher, and now she is ready to get back in the game with her debut, ‘Night SKKYYY.’ 

Those interested in adding new R&B to their playlists, featuring “Can I Get With You” on their site, reviewing ‘Night SKKYYY’ when available, or interviewing SKKYYY for their site, podcast, or radio show can reach out via the information provided below. 

For more information on SKKYYY, please visit:


Della Thomas | Wild Records LLC.
[email protected] 



Source: ArtistPR

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