A.I. otherwise known as Addict The Infamous starts one way and ends on a completely different page. “Forget” sounds like something you’d hear in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. It has this light dance feel that has a dark side. Like a bit Right Said Fred. With “Strange” A.I. gives us something completely different. We go from the dance floor to the hip hop stage. He comes across as a seasoned emcee with a fresh beat. The same can be said of “Victim of Myself.” This one really has a great story to tell and is relatable on multiple levels. His strong rhymes continue on with “Animal I Am.” Last up, “I Guess I’m Crazy” says what we all think about ourselves at times. Because of the title, I wish the beat was a bit more insane, but instead it’s as calm as could be but calls for attention with its intimidation. If you’re a fan of Machine Gun Kelly, check out Addict The Infamous now. (https://www.musicbyai.com/)